Indira adult model with erotic feet loves flirting with Sex Escort Berlin
Tel.: 0152 26 371 349
My Homepage:
Could it be that you live very close to me and we met again just yesterday while shopping? I’m the woman in the sassy outfit who bent down really low yesterday to get the pizza out of the freezer. It certainly didn’t go unnoticed that my dress slipped over my bottom. At that moment, I wished that you would touch my bottom and start kneading gently. What cravings you got when you saw me like this, you can tell me right away on our sex date. Are you in the mood? My name at the agency is Indira and as an adult model with erotic feet, I am always there for you. Men also say to me unique loves flirting about Sex Escort Berlin and more. You can find out and take the first step.
My details:
Name: Indira
Age: 20
Bra size: 75 B
Confection: 32
Height: 166
Hair: Brunette
Origin: Lithuania
Speaks: German and English
Anal: 50 €
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Lesbian games: 40 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €
Erotic massage: 15 €
Multiple men 30 min 1 man: 60 €
Couples (man and woman): 60 €
Doctorgames: 30 €
Roleplaying Special: 30 €
Strap-On: 40 €
Service Inclusive:
Oral (with protection); if desired with straps; Cum on body; Multiple positions; Snuggle & Cuddling; Striptease; Feet erotic; Slight Finger games; Spanish; Come as much as you can; Kissing; Service for handycapped; Dirty Talk; Egg-Licking; Facesitting; Truck or Car