Book Anna skinny love servant with horny strings as a travel partner via Sex Escort Berlin
Tel.: 0152 55 48 63 00
My Homepage:
You seem to like my pictures. I’m pleased. Because I’ve really thought about how best to present myself so that you’ll notice me. In the end I decided to just show myself completely naturally. Because I want you to see me the way I am. At the meeting you can then take a closer look at all my charms – and touch them. Because I will certainly not leave it at looks. I love it when my touch triggers reactions in you and I notice them exactly. Then I want more very quickly – and hopefully you too. At the agency, my name is Anna and I am always there for you as a skinny love servant with hot strippers. Men also say that I am unique as a travel partner, book Sex Escort Berlin and more. You can find out and take the first step.
My details:
Name: Anna
Age: 22
Bra size: 75 B
Confection: 34
Height: 155
Hair: Bald
Origin: Croatia
Speaks: German and English
Vibrator Games Active
Dirty Talk
Prostate Massage
Body Insemination
Doctor Games Passive
Slave Only Soft
Service Inclusive:
Oral (with protection); if desired with straps; Cum on body; Multiple positions; Snuggle & Cuddling; Striptease; Feet erotic; Slight Finger games; Spanish; Come as much as you can; Kissing; Service for handycapped; Dirty Talk; Egg-Licking; Facesitting; Truck or Car