Florens thin noble lady with traffic in suspenders & high heels loves eroticism about Sex Escort Berlin
Tel.: 0177 136 13 82
My Homepage: myescortgirls.com/en/
As far as my outfits are concerned, I am really a typical woman, you could say. Of course I have a large selection of different pieces and yet I can never really decide. First and foremost, this is simply because I never know exactly what my counterpart might be into and that’s exactly what I want to please. If you would think about it a bit and then tell me on the phone what you would like best, that would be a really big help. So I could adjust to you a little bit better, sweetheart. At the agency, my name is Florens and I am always there for you as a thin noble lady with traffic in suspenders and high heels. Men also say to me uniquely loves eroticism about Sex Escort Berlin and more. You can find out and take the first step.
My details:
Name: Florens
Age: 23
Breast: 75 B
Waist: 32
Height: 165
Hair colour: Brunette
Body hair: Hairless
Origin: Yugoslavia
Spoken languages: A little German English
Leather Clothing
Rider Position
Couple Man And Woman
Cum On The Face
Surplus Of Men
Undressing Dance
Light Slave
Traffic In Suspenders & High Heels
Service Inclusive:
Change positions; Stroking and petting; on request straps and high heels; French with her; Traffic (also several times); Hand relaxation; House, hotel or office