Hazel little glamor lady with role playing special at Sex Escort Berlin personal ads
Tel.: 0160 560 42 45
My Homepage: en.callgirls7.com
Shall I speculate as to why you chose my profile so quickly? Because of my pictures. I’m sure. You looked at her and thought, I want to meet her, right? I’m really honored, to be honest. If my appearance alone inspires you so much, then wait and see what else I can offer you. Here I still have a few very fine qualities that should be very exciting for you as a man. But now enough of the words here, let’s talk on the phone. My number is on my profile if you haven’t seen it yet. At the agency, my name is Hazel and as a little glamor lady with role-playing skills, I’m always there for you. Men also say to me unique at Sex Escort Berlin personal ads and more. You can find out and take the first step.
My details:
Name: Hazel
Age: 24
Bra: 75 C
Clothing Size: 34
Body Size: 170
Nationality: Netherlands
Language: little German, English
Golden Showers
Dildo Games
Oil Massage
Oral with
Ball Licking
Tongue Kisses
Outdoor Sex
Service For Women
Service For Couples
Lesbian Games (With Girlfriend)
Service Inclusive:
Change positions; Stroking and petting; optional straps and high heels; French with her; Traffic (also several times); Hand relaxation; House, hotel or office