Ricarda petite private model with strap-on book service as a travel partner via Sex Escort Berlin
Tel.: 0152 22 03 66 54
My Homepage: en.escort-bln.com
I’m really a really little whirlwind and can be a bit clumsy at times. Sometimes I feel like that’s exactly what people love about me and I kind of love that about myself too. laugh. There are always some very interesting situations that come out of it, from which you can make even nicer things. At least if you have the right partner at your side. Could that be you? My gut feeling says yes, but what do you say to that? You could practically answer the question with a phone call. At the agency, my name is Ricarda and I am always there for you as a petite private model with a strap-on service. Men also say that I am unique as a travel partner, book Sex Escort Berlin and more. You can find out and take the first step.
My details:
Name: Ricarda
Age: 24
Breast: 70 B
Waist: 34
Height: 155
Hair colour: Blonde
Body hair: Hairless
Nationality: Slovakia
Languages: A little German English
Anal: 50 €
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 10 €
Dildo games (passive): 10 €
Lesbian games: 40 €
Kissing with tongue: 10 €
Erotic massage: 15 €
Multiple men 30 min 1 man: 60 €
Couples (man and woman): 60 €
Striptease: 10 €
Doctorgames: 30 €
Roleplaying Special: 30 €
Strap-On: 40 €
Service Inclusive:
Oral (with protection); if desired with straps; Cum on body; Facial; Multiple positions; Snuggle & Cuddling; Feet erotic; Slight Finger games; Spanish; Come as much as you can; Kissing; Service for handycapped; Dirty Talk; Egg-Licking; Facesitting; Truck or Car