Morena Sex Affair In Hotel With Private Models In Frankfurt am Main
Tel.: 0152 23 60 87 85
SMS & WhatsApp: 0152 188 200 04
My Homepage:
Today I could do something right again, but I still need someone else. What do I want to do? Well, that depends on what you like so much. Just tell me what you like the most. After that we will surely find together the right solution for both of us. Because of course we both want to have something of it and if possible, not just once. Well, I just can not get enough of it. Are you there just like me? If so, we should get down to business quickly. I love to do something together, which is more than just fun for both of us. After that we definitely need a short and short relaxation.
My details:
Name: Morena
Age: 21
Breast: 75 C
Waist: 34
Height: 165
Hair colour: Black
Body hair: hairless
Origin: Europe
Spoken languages: English
Golden Shower: 10 €
Dildo games (active): 15 €
Dildo games (passive): 15 €
Kissing with tongue: 20 €
Lesbian games: 60 €
Striptease: 10 €
Special oil massage: 15 €
Cum on body: 10 €
Facial: 20 €
Bi, service for woman: 80 €
Bi, service for couples: 60 €
Feet erotic: 10 €
Doctorgames: 30 €
Lacquer/Leather: 10 €
Latex/Rubber: 20 €
Roleplaying Special: 30 €
Service Inclusive:
Kissing; with position changeing; Stroke & Cuddling; Slightly fingering; Spanish; if desired with straps & high heels; Oral (with protection); Oral at the lady; Intimacy (several times possible); Dirty Talk; Egg-Licking; Facesitting; Truck or Car;